Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kids and Music

Los Angeles - It's Only Rock and Roll but I Like It: Music as a Soundtrack to Life - LA Daily - LA Weekly

Wil Wheaton has written another great article about growing up. And it is something that I have thought about on and off for a while. We have certainly exposed the girls to quite a bit of music, although nothing close to all that I appreciate, as I just haven't had the time or money to get all the music that I like brought into iTunes. But I have often wondered whether they will appreciate the music that we like, or whether they will just reject it completely as part of their teenage rebellion. Certainly Wil's father was more methodical and consistent in his descriptions and backstories associated with particular music. But when a song comes on the radio, and I tell the girls it is one of the greatest rock and roll songs of all time, they do pay attention. What I have also found interesting is that sometimes they get an album, and it has some redone version of a classic song done by kids or whatever, and I say that it is not the real or original version, they are interested in the original version. One example is Superstition. I also on a whim one day played Englishman in New York, and they immediately latched on to it and started learning the words, which was fine with me, as the main message is "Be yourself, no matter what they say." Of course they are also quite attracted to the teeny-bob pop that is propagated, but most of it is not too junky. And they have certainly taken an interest in the Counting Crows, with Accidentally In Love their entry point, but their interest obviously grew when they found out I knew Adam, and got to meet him at the reunion. I look forward to being able to hear what their perceptions are about music growing up. I have almost no memory of music associated with my parents outside of Johnny Mathis at Christmas time. They also liked some 50's and 60's bop and rock, and Mom apparently went to Woodstock. But I don't remember music being a huge part of their life. Although Dad did tend to usually have a pretty good stereo system.

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